123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001

Technology for Democracy Citizen Action Driving Change Civic Engagement Pixels to Polls

Where the Digital Meets Civic Engagement

A Robust Whitelabelable Citizen Action Platform Designed with Scalability and Big Data in Mind for Organisations of All Sizes and Scopes

An All-in-One Solution that Allows Your Organization to Use What You Need Directly Out-of-the-Box


"...The Citizen Action Tool that Avi’s team is developing will fill a significant void for campaigning and organizing groups. There are very few digital tools on the market that support citizen-led actions and the tools that exist are becoming prohibitively expensive for many organizations…”
“This platform will be a massive disruption to the established platforms in the citizen mobilisation ecosystem. The fact that it is open source, white label and equipped with AI tech means it will give us “super power” and help us decentralize the movements, something that we need to advance and win our campaigns. I want to use it now!”
Rubby Emir
CEO, Kerjabilitas.com

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